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A true weasel's best friend who is sick

A true weasel's best friend who is sick

Friend want to find pets that are friendly, fun and loyal but don't want to keep dogs, cats or rabbits? Want a different from the others? Well, I have a recommendation, Weasel. Surely you know? Indeed, when viewed physically and the face looks scary and fierce, but remember my friend "don't judge a book by the cover" yes because behind the fear side is actually a ferret is a very very adorable animal you know.

He was very friendly even to other people friendly also quickly friendly. Even he is softer than your girlfriend, maybe? Ha ha ha…

Weasels are mammals that are also very good at climbing. The original habitat of the weasel is in plantations and forests but as we now know there has been a lot of new land clearing and arbitrary tree cutting, the weasels start looking for a new place to live. So do not be surprised if you suddenly see weasels in villages and cities, especially especially sometimes like being on the roof of the house at night to find food.
Well, not only do we have a bad life, so we should take care of it, okay? Hehehe weasel is a cool animal. Seriously! And ferrets also have a variety of types that you need to know in advance for you to maintain. And now I will tell the types of weasels that are quite well known and most are maintained by many people. Listen

Civet Weasel
Civet Weasel is the animal most known to everyone and this civet civet has a lot of designations you know. In Malaysia it is referred to as Weasel Pulut. And the English names are Palm Civet, Common Weasel, Weasel House and Toddy Cat. Its scientific name is Paradoxurus Hermaphroditus.

Civet Weasel is also often known as Weasel Pandan. Why? Because one of its characteristics is the smell. Weasel emit pandanus odor originating from the gland located at the bottom of the tail of the male ferret is to limit the surrounding area and attract female ferrets. But this smell is only found in male ferrets. But not everyone dislikes the pandanus smell of this weasel because according to them the smell is very thick and makes nausea

Civet Weasel has a length of 90 cm with a weight of 3-5 kg. This civet civet can give birth to as many as 1-4 tails.
Civet Weasels generally have a brownish-gray back color but also have color variations such as dark red brown and greenish and have five dark lines that are broken or spots. The color of the sides and the abdomen look paler. The color of the face, legs and tail is dark brown or black. The forehead and sides of the face and white ears are white like gray. Around the nose to the top of the head there is a faint black line.

However, the color of the weasel fur is different according to what we see from where it lives. Musanag feathers that live on the roof of the house has a blackish fur color and the body has a black or gray striped pattern. Whereas weasels that live in nature and trees have a brownish or yellowish book color with spots on their bodies.

During the day, civet civets sleep in wooden holes or dark spaces under the roof and are very active at night. Don't worry, they can also invite you to play during the day, though not often.
This Civet Weasel loves to eat fruits such as papaya, bananas and African wood trees. Civet civets also prey on small animals that can be captured such as insects, earthworms, lizards and mice.

Often, my friend would hear and certainly know about the term civet coffee. Yep indeed produced from this civet civet. How to? Civet civet has a very rapid digestion process, so my friend might often see on hard rock there are seeds. Yep it is a weasel droppings coming out of the results of his meal. That's why the civet coffee beans are found from seeds that have gone through the 'process' of digestion of the civet weasel. Oops ...

Weasel Moon
Weasel Bulan also has other names, namely Galing Weasel and Masked Weasel. In English it is called Little Civert. The Latin name is Paguma Larvata.

Weasel Moon has a body length of 50-80 cm and ear lengths of 4-6 cm. Her weight is 3-5 kg. Weasel Bulan can give birth to as many as 1-4 and can live up to 22 years.

Weasel Moon has two color variations, namely orange mixed with brown and black. Weasel Moon has a white motif on its head that resembles a mask. The mask is a prominent white line and extends from the nose to the forehead and the sides are black that extends to the far part of the cheeks and forehead until it passes through the ear and the back of the neck and stops just below the shoulder blade. His eyes are surrounded by a faint or broken white color. Around the lips until the throat is white. Generally, this month's ferret is dark in color.
Friend want to find pets that are friendly, fun and loyal but don't want to keep dogs, cats or rabbits? Want a different from the others? Well, I have a recommendation, Weasel. Surely you know? Indeed, when viewed physically and the face looks scary and fierce, but remember my friend "don't judge a book by the cover" yes because behind the fear side is actually a ferret is a very very adorable animal you know.

He was very friendly even to other people friendly also quickly friendly. Even he is softer than your girlfriend, maybe? Ha ha ha…

Weasels are mammals that are also very good at climbing. The original habitat of the weasel is in plantations and forests but as we now know there has been a lot of new land clearing and arbitrary tree cutting, the weasels start looking for a new place to live. So do not be surprised if you suddenly see weasels in villages and cities, especially especially sometimes like being on the roof of the house at night to find food.
Well, not only do we have a bad life, so we should take care of it, okay? Hehehe weasel is a cool animal. Seriously! And ferrets also have a variety of types that you need to know in advance for you to maintain. And now I will tell the types of weasels that are quite well known and most are maintained by many people. Listen

Civet Weasel
Civet Weasel is the animal most known to everyone and this civet civet has a lot of designations you know. In Malaysia it is referred to as Weasel Pulut. And the English names are Palm Civet, Common Weasel, Weasel House and Toddy Cat. Its scientific name is Paradoxurus Hermaphroditus.

Civet Weasel is also often known as Weasel Pandan. Why? Because one of its characteristics is the smell. Weasel emit pandanus odor originating from the gland located at the bottom of the tail of the male ferret is to limit the surrounding area and attract female ferrets. But this smell is only found in male ferrets. But not everyone dislikes the pandanus smell of this weasel because according to them the smell is very thick and makes nausea

Civet Weasel has a length of 90 cm with a weight of 3-5 kg. This civet civet can give birth to as many as 1-4 tails.
Civet Weasels generally have a brownish-gray back color but also have color variations such as dark red brown and greenish and have five dark lines that are broken or spots. The color of the sides and the abdomen look paler. The color of the face, legs and tail is dark brown or black. The forehead and sides of the face and white ears are white like gray. Around the nose to the top of the head there is a faint black line.

However, the color of the weasel fur is different according to what we see from where it lives. Musanag feathers that live on the roof of the house has a blackish fur color and the body has a black or gray striped pattern. Whereas weasels that live in nature and trees have a brownish or yellowish book color with spots on their bodies.

During the day, civet civets sleep in wooden holes or dark spaces under the roof and are very active at night. Don't worry, they can also invite you to play during the day, though not often.
This Civet Weasel loves to eat fruits such as papaya, bananas and African wood trees. Civet civets also prey on small animals that can be captured such as insects, earthworms, lizards and mice.

Often, my friend would hear and certainly know about the term civet coffee. Yep indeed produced from this civet civet. How to? Civet civet has a very rapid digestion process, so my friend might often see on hard rock there are seeds. Yep it is a weasel droppings coming out of the results of his meal. That's why the civet coffee beans are found from seeds that have gone through the 'process' of digestion of the civet weasel. Oops ...

Weasel Moon
Weasel Bulan also has other names, namely Galing Weasel and Masked Weasel. In English it is called Little Civert. The Latin name is Paguma Larvata.

Weasel Moon has a body length of 50-80 cm and ear lengths of 4-6 cm. Her weight is 3-5 kg. Weasel Bulan can give birth to as many as 1-4 and can live up to 22 years.

Weasel Moon has two color variations, namely orange mixed with brown and black. Weasel Moon has a white motif on its head that resembles a mask. The mask is a prominent white line and extends from the nose to the forehead and the sides are black that extends to the far part of the cheeks and forehead until it passes through the ear and the back of the neck and stops just below the shoulder blade. His eyes are surrounded by a faint or broken white color. Around the lips until the throat is white. Generally, this month's ferret is dark in color.
A true weasel's best friend who is sick
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Funny Action Garangan When Spoiled On His Master Make Citizens Anxious

Funny Action Garangan When Spoiled On His Master Make Citizens Anxious

Garangan became one of the favorite pets besides dogs. This mammal is preferred because it has a funny appearance. In addition, his behavior is also adorable and often annoying.

In contrast to dogs who seem more submissive to their employers, Garangan sometimes considers himself a master employer. However, on the other hand the relationship between Garangan with his employer can also be romantic if you know how.

If you are among those who like to maintain a garage, of course you want to build a strong relationship with your pet. Not only by feeding, but also you must have a special way so that your pet's Garangan feels special.

Possessive garangan

You can start by giving sympathy and sincere affection to your pet. In addition, you need to build relationships like a friend, and don't forget to invite them to play.

Recently circulated a video on Instagram, which shows a Garangan being spoiled with his employer. The video is in the spotlight of citizens because of his super funny Garangan behavior.

This video first appeared when an Instagram account @mujisama uploaded a video showing a man playing a game, but was interrupted by his maintenance garage.

In the video, it appears that Garangan was not willing when his employer was playing the game. He was seen continuing to hold the employer's hand. In fact, the man seemed to shake his hands so that the white and yellow Garangan released his wrist. However, the Garangan actually holds it even stronger.

Garangan became one of the favorite pets besides dogs. This mammal is preferred because it has a funny appearance. In addition, his behavior is also adorable and often annoying.

In contrast to dogs who seem more submissive to their employers, Garangan sometimes considers himself a master employer. However, on the other hand the relationship between Garangan with his employer can also be romantic if you know how.

If you are among those who like to maintain a garage, of course you want to build a strong relationship with your pet. Not only by feeding, but also you must have a special way so that your pet's Garangan feels special.

Possessive garangan

You can start by giving sympathy and sincere affection to your pet. In addition, you need to build relationships like a friend, and don't forget to invite them to play.

Recently circulated a video on Instagram, which shows a Garangan being spoiled with his employer. The video is in the spotlight of citizens because of his super funny Garangan behavior.

This video first appeared when an Instagram account @mujisama uploaded a video showing a man playing a game, but was interrupted by his maintenance garage.

In the video, it appears that Garangan was not willing when his employer was playing the game. He was seen continuing to hold the employer's hand. In fact, the man seemed to shake his hands so that the white and yellow Garangan released his wrist. However, the Garangan actually holds it even stronger.

Funny Action Garangan When Spoiled On His Master Make Citizens Anxious
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First Aid If Weasel Falls And Jump Seizures

First Aid If Weasel Falls And Jump Seizures

I want to share a little and tell stories, maybe weasel lovers have experienced the same thing in their favorite kitten or Weasel. Favorite Kitten / Weasel falls from a height and immediately convulsions, and silent without movement ??? Heeemmm a very very frightening thing and makes the heart beat a little faster to see it for fear of Weasel / kitten freaking through

Okay, just go ahead ...
I have a 2-month-old kitten "Jon Boy Weasel" and his nickname is "Boy Weasel". Previously, the Weasel Boy fell ill more or less he survived with his illness. and Alhamdulillah, after he recovered from his illness, the Weasel Boy returned cheerful and actively played running around. The thing that touched my heart and was very happy when I saw the Weasel Boy cheerful again and actively playing and joking.

After I returned from the interview I intended to give the Weasel Boy a gift (rattles necklace) that I bought when the Weasel Boy first arrived at home but fate said otherwise the Weasel Boy actually fell ill. Maybe this is the right time for the Weasel Boy as a gift for him because a week ago he survived against his illness. When I arrived at home at 13:00 IWST, I didn't use it. I removed the Weasel Boy from the cage and gave him food. A happy face can be seen from the face of the Weasel Boy with towering tails upright (movements with thick fur) and he was happy when I called his name to feed. After the food was as usual as usual he went straight to the bathroom to pee (because from morning I left the interview until noon I came home to his clean cage * not urinated and pooped *). Pee already, cleanse the body already (by licking hands and other parts) I immediately invited to play the Weasel Boy (with toys that I made myself from rapia rope and paper that I staple like a ball). Very cheerful the Weasel Boy is cool playing with his toys running around, jumping there jumping here.
When he is cool to play maybe this is the right time to give him a surprise. Enter the room with me close the door of my room so that the Weasel Boy does not enter the room and see the surprise I want to give him J! I started setting the necklace rattles to make it look fit and cool when worn by Weasel Boy, by cutting it out and I connected again so that it was not too big and not too small so as not to choke his neck (understand that the necklace is a bit too big for the Weasel and the Weasel Boy is still small). While setting the necklace for the Boy Weasel I listened he was cool to run around playing paper that I stumbled like a ball, and only half the father's work shouted loudly calling me from below. I swiftly followed and immediately ran down and it turned out.
Jeng Jeng ... .. Weasel Boy fell from the 2nd floor and his body lay on the floor below while convulsing.

While listening to my father grumbling because I didn't take care of the Weasel Boy playing, I swiftly brought the Weasel Boy back to the top by carrying him. I was sad to cry when I saw the condition of the Weasel Boy who was very, very creepy with his eyes glaring sharply and still motionless at all when I carried him.

After arriving at the top of the cave, put the Weasel Boy in his cage slowly (while I talked from the trip to the cage) and immediately I prepared to drink warm water (and also a little food that I mixed bear milk to taste and 2 drops of propolis). While I stroked the Boy Weasel slowly I gave him a drink of warm water with a spet. And after drinking 2x jengggg .... Boy Weasel woke up and held the Weasel style (with the fore hand and a little nungging)

Feel happy and happy when I see the Weasel Boy regained consciousness (maybe Weasel Boy in shock). But he tried to walk for his food yamperin and the road was a little limp (both hind legs) LL because I can't bear it, I took him and my lap and then I gave him food (still with wet food because it was still recovering from his illness a week ago) a little slowly I feed it by way of spet, only 3 times a bite each of 3cc the Weasel Boy doesn't want L L.
And when I taro again slowly in the enclosure the Weasel Boy immediately got up and returned from his cage. The feeling of pleasure returned again when I saw Boy Weasel standing tall and walking normally again as before reaching for his toys (paper balls and neat ropes).

Not long using the Weasel Boy back playing with his toys with cool run-run (normal as before). But my worry is still there, I take Boy Weasel which is more fun to play and I check the condition (with me try to massage the whole body slowly, if when I hold / massage on certain parts of the Weasel Boy feels sick or does not like it means there is a wound in here). But when I hold the massage section,

I want to share a little and tell stories, maybe weasel lovers have experienced the same thing in their favorite kitten or Weasel. Favorite Kitten / Weasel falls from a height and immediately convulsions, and silent without movement ??? Heeemmm a very very frightening thing and makes the heart beat a little faster to see it for fear of Weasel / kitten freaking through

Okay, just go ahead ...
I have a 2-month-old kitten "Jon Boy Weasel" and his nickname is "Boy Weasel". Previously, the Weasel Boy fell ill more or less he survived with his illness. and Alhamdulillah, after he recovered from his illness, the Weasel Boy returned cheerful and actively played running around. The thing that touched my heart and was very happy when I saw the Weasel Boy cheerful again and actively playing and joking.

After I returned from the interview I intended to give the Weasel Boy a gift (rattles necklace) that I bought when the Weasel Boy first arrived at home but fate said otherwise the Weasel Boy actually fell ill. Maybe this is the right time for the Weasel Boy as a gift for him because a week ago he survived against his illness. When I arrived at home at 13:00 IWST, I didn't use it. I removed the Weasel Boy from the cage and gave him food. A happy face can be seen from the face of the Weasel Boy with towering tails upright (movements with thick fur) and he was happy when I called his name to feed. After the food was as usual as usual he went straight to the bathroom to pee (because from morning I left the interview until noon I came home to his clean cage * not urinated and pooped *). Pee already, cleanse the body already (by licking hands and other parts) I immediately invited to play the Weasel Boy (with toys that I made myself from rapia rope and paper that I staple like a ball). Very cheerful the Weasel Boy is cool playing with his toys running around, jumping there jumping here.
When he is cool to play maybe this is the right time to give him a surprise. Enter the room with me close the door of my room so that the Weasel Boy does not enter the room and see the surprise I want to give him J! I started setting the necklace rattles to make it look fit and cool when worn by Weasel Boy, by cutting it out and I connected again so that it was not too big and not too small so as not to choke his neck (understand that the necklace is a bit too big for the Weasel and the Weasel Boy is still small). While setting the necklace for the Boy Weasel I listened he was cool to run around playing paper that I stumbled like a ball, and only half the father's work shouted loudly calling me from below. I swiftly followed and immediately ran down and it turned out.
Jeng Jeng ... .. Weasel Boy fell from the 2nd floor and his body lay on the floor below while convulsing.

While listening to my father grumbling because I didn't take care of the Weasel Boy playing, I swiftly brought the Weasel Boy back to the top by carrying him. I was sad to cry when I saw the condition of the Weasel Boy who was very, very creepy with his eyes glaring sharply and still motionless at all when I carried him.

After arriving at the top of the cave, put the Weasel Boy in his cage slowly (while I talked from the trip to the cage) and immediately I prepared to drink warm water (and also a little food that I mixed bear milk to taste and 2 drops of propolis). While I stroked the Boy Weasel slowly I gave him a drink of warm water with a spet. And after drinking 2x jengggg .... Boy Weasel woke up and held the Weasel style (with the fore hand and a little nungging)

Feel happy and happy when I see the Weasel Boy regained consciousness (maybe Weasel Boy in shock). But he tried to walk for his food yamperin and the road was a little limp (both hind legs) LL because I can't bear it, I took him and my lap and then I gave him food (still with wet food because it was still recovering from his illness a week ago) a little slowly I feed it by way of spet, only 3 times a bite each of 3cc the Weasel Boy doesn't want L L.
And when I taro again slowly in the enclosure the Weasel Boy immediately got up and returned from his cage. The feeling of pleasure returned again when I saw Boy Weasel standing tall and walking normally again as before reaching for his toys (paper balls and neat ropes).

Not long using the Weasel Boy back playing with his toys with cool run-run (normal as before). But my worry is still there, I take Boy Weasel which is more fun to play and I check the condition (with me try to massage the whole body slowly, if when I hold / massage on certain parts of the Weasel Boy feels sick or does not like it means there is a wound in here). But when I hold the massage section,

First Aid If Weasel Falls And Jump Seizures
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A Weasel Cannot Walk Cause Falling From Height

A Weasel Cannot Walk Cause Falling From Height

Viral a video showing a Weasel whose body continues to tremble and stagger. The striped weasel named Kattie successfully stole the attention after being uploaded by a Twitter user named @ snugdeal3r on Wednesday (12/18/2019). In the video uploaded @ snugdeal3r, Kattie is seen approaching when called. Although his body continued to tremble and staggered, he still tried to approach the source of the voice that called him.

He seemed to enjoy when he stroked his head. In the second video, Kattie even lay on the floor when being stroked by a man. In the tweet, @ snugdeal3r explains Kattie's condition from having fallen from a height. Because of this, Kattie was diagnosed with problems so that her body continued to tremble and walk limp.

In an emergency condition, the Weasel must immediately get help, otherwise it will be fatal / fatal. The best help, of course, by veterinarians, but if conditions do not allow it to be done by the owner or anyone who is around the animal.

There are several conditions that must be given first aid as follows:

Bleeding / wound
Clean and scissors around the wound
Remove and remove the thorn / glass causing the wound
Clean the wound with saline solution or H2O2
Cover / wrap the wound with a clean bandage
Take it to the vet
Limit the Weasel's movements wherever possible
If possible give a foot support by tying a newspaper or magazine to a broken leg
Use a wide cloth or blanket to lift the pet to the vet
Toxins come from licking fur, poisonous food, breathing poisonous air through the skin, and others
Wash the mouth of the pet or flush away any leftover poison or poison food
If the poison is not corrosive vomiting is attempted by swallowing 1 spoonful of salt
Give poison-absorbing compounds (6 tablets active charcoal)
Antidote to asan give 1 tablespoon of the sodium bicarbonate
Antidote against bases: a few spoons of vinegar or lemon juice
Take it to the vet
Throws up
Vomiting is a natural way to remove foreign matter from the stomach that cannot be digested
Satisfaction (without water and food) about 4-6 hours
If you look thirsty, give ice cubes to lick them
If you are still vomiting, take it to the vet
Diarrhea repeatedly
Fasted for 4-6 hours
Give general diarrhea medication, or consult a veterinarian
Replace with diarrhea special diet foods
Change food gradually
Stop milk and fatty foods
Give birth
Sunsang: hind legs slowly pull according to contractions
Green or pus discharge comes from the vagian, take it to the vet
After the gestational age, take it to the vet
Heat stroke / heat stroke
Bring pets to a cool place
Dampen with cold water
Compress with 70% alcohol
Take it to the vet immediately
Hypothermia / low body temperature
Warm it with a bottle of warm water wrapped in a cloth
Install incandescent lamps to warm the air
Put in a cage to be comfortable and rest
Bleeding from the nostrils (epistaxis)
Place an ice bag over the nose
Take it to the vet immediately
Eyeball out (bulbi prolapse)
Wet the eyes with physiological NaCl
Cover eyes with gauze
Wet the gauze every 10 minutes w / physiological NaCl
Take it to the vet immediately

Viral a video showing a Weasel whose body continues to tremble and stagger. The striped weasel named Kattie successfully stole the attention after being uploaded by a Twitter user named @ snugdeal3r on Wednesday (12/18/2019). In the video uploaded @ snugdeal3r, Kattie is seen approaching when called. Although his body continued to tremble and staggered, he still tried to approach the source of the voice that called him.

He seemed to enjoy when he stroked his head. In the second video, Kattie even lay on the floor when being stroked by a man. In the tweet, @ snugdeal3r explains Kattie's condition from having fallen from a height. Because of this, Kattie was diagnosed with problems so that her body continued to tremble and walk limp.

In an emergency condition, the Weasel must immediately get help, otherwise it will be fatal / fatal. The best help, of course, by veterinarians, but if conditions do not allow it to be done by the owner or anyone who is around the animal.

There are several conditions that must be given first aid as follows:

Bleeding / wound
Clean and scissors around the wound
Remove and remove the thorn / glass causing the wound
Clean the wound with saline solution or H2O2
Cover / wrap the wound with a clean bandage
Take it to the vet
Limit the Weasel's movements wherever possible
If possible give a foot support by tying a newspaper or magazine to a broken leg
Use a wide cloth or blanket to lift the pet to the vet
Toxins come from licking fur, poisonous food, breathing poisonous air through the skin, and others
Wash the mouth of the pet or flush away any leftover poison or poison food
If the poison is not corrosive vomiting is attempted by swallowing 1 spoonful of salt
Give poison-absorbing compounds (6 tablets active charcoal)
Antidote to asan give 1 tablespoon of the sodium bicarbonate
Antidote against bases: a few spoons of vinegar or lemon juice
Take it to the vet
Throws up
Vomiting is a natural way to remove foreign matter from the stomach that cannot be digested
Satisfaction (without water and food) about 4-6 hours
If you look thirsty, give ice cubes to lick them
If you are still vomiting, take it to the vet
Diarrhea repeatedly
Fasted for 4-6 hours
Give general diarrhea medication, or consult a veterinarian
Replace with diarrhea special diet foods
Change food gradually
Stop milk and fatty foods
Give birth
Sunsang: hind legs slowly pull according to contractions
Green or pus discharge comes from the vagian, take it to the vet
After the gestational age, take it to the vet
Heat stroke / heat stroke
Bring pets to a cool place
Dampen with cold water
Compress with 70% alcohol
Take it to the vet immediately
Hypothermia / low body temperature
Warm it with a bottle of warm water wrapped in a cloth
Install incandescent lamps to warm the air
Put in a cage to be comfortable and rest
Bleeding from the nostrils (epistaxis)
Place an ice bag over the nose
Take it to the vet immediately
Eyeball out (bulbi prolapse)
Wet the eyes with physiological NaCl
Cover eyes with gauze
Wet the gauze every 10 minutes w / physiological NaCl
Take it to the vet immediately

A Weasel Cannot Walk Cause Falling From Height
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Friendship Weasel Moon And Weasel Rase

Friendship Weasel Moon And Weasel Rase

Weasels are predatory mammals from the Viverridae tribe. In Indonesia, weasels are very easy to find in settlements and even cities. He is an accomplished climber, likes to live among the trees, walks on the roof of the house, but also occasionally descends to the ground. For some people, weasels are considered as pests because they like to steal chickens and fruits in the garden owned by residents.

However, now there are also many people who care for weasels. Unmitigated, in fact many communities of ferret lovers exist in various regions. For fans of these four-legged animals, weasels are considered as animals that are cute, smart, and can be used as friends.

Love to be carried on the shoulder
Don't be surprised, weasels really like being on human shoulders. No matter how much weasel, he will feel better when on the shoulders of humans. Its basic nature is arboreal or living among trees will consider your shoulder as a large tree. Tingling like that, yeah.

Can read human minds
It is undeniable, most pets can indeed read the feelings of their employers such as horses, cats and dogs. The uniqueness of the weasel is that it is able to find out the human feelings around it only through a glance at the eye.

When you are afraid to be near a weasel, it will show its dominance through its hiss. Therefore, you need not be afraid to be close to the weasel. Instead you must show your affection by stroking his body so that he also loves you back.

Super spoiled and loyal to their owners
Initially, this exotic animal was indeed difficult to tame. The good news, if you manage to tame the weasel. He will be a spoiled and loyal animal. The nature of the ferret is not much different from the cat that is fondled. He can also act cute when cared for and familiar with.

When the weasel bonding with the owner is strong, he will follow wherever the owner goes. Even if you're just doing the dishes, it will cling to spoiled on your body, you know. Keeping a weasel won't make you feel lonely.

Weasels are predatory mammals from the Viverridae tribe. In Indonesia, weasels are very easy to find in settlements and even cities. He is an accomplished climber, likes to live among the trees, walks on the roof of the house, but also occasionally descends to the ground. For some people, weasels are considered as pests because they like to steal chickens and fruits in the garden owned by residents.

However, now there are also many people who care for weasels. Unmitigated, in fact many communities of ferret lovers exist in various regions. For fans of these four-legged animals, weasels are considered as animals that are cute, smart, and can be used as friends.

Love to be carried on the shoulder
Don't be surprised, weasels really like being on human shoulders. No matter how much weasel, he will feel better when on the shoulders of humans. Its basic nature is arboreal or living among trees will consider your shoulder as a large tree. Tingling like that, yeah.

Can read human minds
It is undeniable, most pets can indeed read the feelings of their employers such as horses, cats and dogs. The uniqueness of the weasel is that it is able to find out the human feelings around it only through a glance at the eye.

When you are afraid to be near a weasel, it will show its dominance through its hiss. Therefore, you need not be afraid to be close to the weasel. Instead you must show your affection by stroking his body so that he also loves you back.

Super spoiled and loyal to their owners
Initially, this exotic animal was indeed difficult to tame. The good news, if you manage to tame the weasel. He will be a spoiled and loyal animal. The nature of the ferret is not much different from the cat that is fondled. He can also act cute when cared for and familiar with.

When the weasel bonding with the owner is strong, he will follow wherever the owner goes. Even if you're just doing the dishes, it will cling to spoiled on your body, you know. Keeping a weasel won't make you feel lonely.

Friendship Weasel Moon And Weasel Rase
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The funny thing is Baby Weasel Rase Eat While Standing

The funny thing is Baby Weasel Rase Eat While Standing

This time, the dry season is very long. The forests are barren, the trees are deciduous, the river is dry, the grass has dried up, so there is no food in the forest.

Hunger everywhere and many animals that weak and die from thirst and hunger. It is said that, during the long drought, there was a weasel that was almost helpless. His body was limp because he had not found food for several days. Even though his condition was weak he still forced himself to walk to and fro in search of food.

"I have been here and there for many days looking for food, but not the least food that I got. Ah, fate, "said Weasel complaining.
Although the scorching heat of the sun like burning his skin with the remnants of his strength he still stepped slowly. And finally, he arrived in the wilderness.

In the middle of the forest the hungry Weasel saw a building, "Wow ... what is that building?" said the weasel talking to himself. He continued to look at the banungan. He hoped there was food in the building, but he was also worried that his hopes would disappear if in the building he could not find what he was looking for.

However, the smell of the weasel was very sharp, he smelled the aromas of food in the bangnan. It is true, the building is a warehouse where delicious food is stored. Unknowingly, his saliva melts because he imagined the pleasure of food. Although his body was very weak, he still tried to be brave enough to enter the building.

With the remnants of his strength the Weasel continues to surround the walls of the warehouse building. He looked for holes so he could enter.

Shortly thereafter, he also managed to find a gap. "Well ... here it is," said the weasel feeling happy when he found a hole he was looking for. But unfortunately, the hole was too small for his body. But he did not want to despair, he continued to put his head into the hole and his body was still able to enter even though he had to experience pain due to being squashed.
"You won't go anywhere, fortunately, my body also escaped in this small hole." said the weasel happily.

Weasel enters the warehouse. As if not believing, he was stunned to see so much food in the warehouse. It feels like in a dream. Delicious food is now in front of him, Weasel who had been weak, his spirit rose again. He immediately ate all the meat and fish that were there. Weasel takes beef, goat, and chicken, also fish.

Weasel feels like in heaven, food is available around him. "Ah ... the pleasure of this life, a lot of food around me. how long can I live this good? " said the weasel while chewing his mouth unceasingly.

Weasels just keep eating. His lust is growing. His desire was to finish all the food in the warehouse.

"I don't care who owns this food warehouse. The important thing is I'll spend everything. Hahahaha .. "said the weasel happily.

While Weasel was enjoying herself in her lucky life, she was surprised by the sound of the door opening. How surprised because outside the digaannya, came a big tall man. He stood in front of the door watching into the warehouse. he is the owner of the food warehouse.

Seeing the condition of the messy food warehouse, the warehouse owner was furious. The food is now no longer intact, and scattered everywhere. Then he looked for who had done all that.

"Hi ... who ransacked my warehouse?" the man shouted.

No one answered, so the owner of the warehouse became even more angry.

"Get out quickly! Show your nose! " said the warehouse owner while looking around the room.

In a rather dark corner, he saw a suspicious object, blackish in color. With a sneak peek of the warehouse owner, he approached the object he suspected.

"Hah? A weasel? " said the warehouse owner, shaking his head. He saw that weasel was eating a big fish. He immediately chased the weasel while carrying a wooden beater.

Weasel continues to run away from the warehouse owner's punch. He also remembered the hole where he entered. Then he ran to the hole and put his head in. The weasel's head went into the hole, but was unlucky, his stomach which had been enlarged from overeating, could not enter the hole.

The warehouse owner had stood in front of the weasel and immediately hit the weasel with the wood he was carrying. "Where are you running to, huh?" "Buk! ... Buk! ...

The warehouse owner hit the ferret without mercy. Until the Weasel limp helpless. Shortly thereafter, the weasel died.

This time, the dry season is very long. The forests are barren, the trees are deciduous, the river is dry, the grass has dried up, so there is no food in the forest.

Hunger everywhere and many animals that weak and die from thirst and hunger. It is said that, during the long drought, there was a weasel that was almost helpless. His body was limp because he had not found food for several days. Even though his condition was weak he still forced himself to walk to and fro in search of food.

"I have been here and there for many days looking for food, but not the least food that I got. Ah, fate, "said Weasel complaining.
Although the scorching heat of the sun like burning his skin with the remnants of his strength he still stepped slowly. And finally, he arrived in the wilderness.

In the middle of the forest the hungry Weasel saw a building, "Wow ... what is that building?" said the weasel talking to himself. He continued to look at the banungan. He hoped there was food in the building, but he was also worried that his hopes would disappear if in the building he could not find what he was looking for.

However, the smell of the weasel was very sharp, he smelled the aromas of food in the bangnan. It is true, the building is a warehouse where delicious food is stored. Unknowingly, his saliva melts because he imagined the pleasure of food. Although his body was very weak, he still tried to be brave enough to enter the building.

With the remnants of his strength the Weasel continues to surround the walls of the warehouse building. He looked for holes so he could enter.

Shortly thereafter, he also managed to find a gap. "Well ... here it is," said the weasel feeling happy when he found a hole he was looking for. But unfortunately, the hole was too small for his body. But he did not want to despair, he continued to put his head into the hole and his body was still able to enter even though he had to experience pain due to being squashed.
"You won't go anywhere, fortunately, my body also escaped in this small hole." said the weasel happily.

Weasel enters the warehouse. As if not believing, he was stunned to see so much food in the warehouse. It feels like in a dream. Delicious food is now in front of him, Weasel who had been weak, his spirit rose again. He immediately ate all the meat and fish that were there. Weasel takes beef, goat, and chicken, also fish.

Weasel feels like in heaven, food is available around him. "Ah ... the pleasure of this life, a lot of food around me. how long can I live this good? " said the weasel while chewing his mouth unceasingly.

Weasels just keep eating. His lust is growing. His desire was to finish all the food in the warehouse.

"I don't care who owns this food warehouse. The important thing is I'll spend everything. Hahahaha .. "said the weasel happily.

While Weasel was enjoying herself in her lucky life, she was surprised by the sound of the door opening. How surprised because outside the digaannya, came a big tall man. He stood in front of the door watching into the warehouse. he is the owner of the food warehouse.

Seeing the condition of the messy food warehouse, the warehouse owner was furious. The food is now no longer intact, and scattered everywhere. Then he looked for who had done all that.

"Hi ... who ransacked my warehouse?" the man shouted.

No one answered, so the owner of the warehouse became even more angry.

"Get out quickly! Show your nose! " said the warehouse owner while looking around the room.

In a rather dark corner, he saw a suspicious object, blackish in color. With a sneak peek of the warehouse owner, he approached the object he suspected.

"Hah? A weasel? " said the warehouse owner, shaking his head. He saw that weasel was eating a big fish. He immediately chased the weasel while carrying a wooden beater.

Weasel continues to run away from the warehouse owner's punch. He also remembered the hole where he entered. Then he ran to the hole and put his head in. The weasel's head went into the hole, but was unlucky, his stomach which had been enlarged from overeating, could not enter the hole.

The warehouse owner had stood in front of the weasel and immediately hit the weasel with the wood he was carrying. "Where are you running to, huh?" "Buk! ... Buk! ...

The warehouse owner hit the ferret without mercy. Until the Weasel limp helpless. Shortly thereafter, the weasel died.

The funny thing is Baby Weasel Rase Eat While Standing
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Weasel Rase Jitot Let A Few Months Become A Ferocious Weasel

Weasel Rase Jitot Let A Few Months Become A Ferocious Weasel

Raising weasels to make badger coffee. The popularity of weasels as pets is even greater.

In addition, its form is somewhat similar to a cat also makes many people want it. Weasels that mostly live wild can now be an alternative pet choice in addition to cats and dogs.

enis the most expensive weasel you need to recognize so as not to buy the wrong one. Although many people think that weasels are wild animals that sometimes interfere, not a few who have maintained and tamed.

In addition to the Binturong ferrets that are currently protected by the government because they are endangered, maintaining other types of weasels is permitted. In fact, to maintain Binturong is allowed as long as it is a third or more derived from captivity.

Weasel Pandanus is the most expensive and popular type of weasel, and is widely maintained in Indonesia, and is used as a civet coffee product. So there are also those who call it civet weasel.

This weasel is called "pandanus" because it emits the scent of pandanus leaves which smells coming from the glands at the bottom of the tail of the male ferret. Weasel pandanus has a brownish gray color on its back, but there are also other variations such as red brown, greenish and others. As for the face, legs and tail have a dark color.

Pandan civets eat fruits such as papaya, guava, coffee beans and so on. However, he can also eat small insects such as crickets and his friends.

Pandanus ferret prices can be around Rp 250,000 to Rp 400,000. Even if the white-tailed pandanus weasel, it is usually sold for

Weasel Rase

Weasel rase (Viverricula malaccensis) is a type of carnivore that has spread in South and Southeast Asian countries. Weasel rase has a body that is neither too big nor too small, 54-63 cm. Medium, tail length 30-43 cm.

The color of the tail of one of the most expensive weasels is quite unique and interesting, because it has black and white stripes, with the tail tip always white. While the body color is brown to pale yellowish brown, and usually accompanied by several black lines extending on his back, and underneath, and also black spots on the sides of his body.

His body was impressed with a short neck protruding forward. In the market the type of ferret rase is usually priced at between 250 thousand to 350 thousand rupiah.

Raising weasels to make badger coffee. The popularity of weasels as pets is even greater.

In addition, its form is somewhat similar to a cat also makes many people want it. Weasels that mostly live wild can now be an alternative pet choice in addition to cats and dogs.

enis the most expensive weasel you need to recognize so as not to buy the wrong one. Although many people think that weasels are wild animals that sometimes interfere, not a few who have maintained and tamed.

In addition to the Binturong ferrets that are currently protected by the government because they are endangered, maintaining other types of weasels is permitted. In fact, to maintain Binturong is allowed as long as it is a third or more derived from captivity.

Weasel Pandanus is the most expensive and popular type of weasel, and is widely maintained in Indonesia, and is used as a civet coffee product. So there are also those who call it civet weasel.

This weasel is called "pandanus" because it emits the scent of pandanus leaves which smells coming from the glands at the bottom of the tail of the male ferret. Weasel pandanus has a brownish gray color on its back, but there are also other variations such as red brown, greenish and others. As for the face, legs and tail have a dark color.

Pandan civets eat fruits such as papaya, guava, coffee beans and so on. However, he can also eat small insects such as crickets and his friends.

Pandanus ferret prices can be around Rp 250,000 to Rp 400,000. Even if the white-tailed pandanus weasel, it is usually sold for

Weasel Rase

Weasel rase (Viverricula malaccensis) is a type of carnivore that has spread in South and Southeast Asian countries. Weasel rase has a body that is neither too big nor too small, 54-63 cm. Medium, tail length 30-43 cm.

The color of the tail of one of the most expensive weasels is quite unique and interesting, because it has black and white stripes, with the tail tip always white. While the body color is brown to pale yellowish brown, and usually accompanied by several black lines extending on his back, and underneath, and also black spots on the sides of his body.

His body was impressed with a short neck protruding forward. In the market the type of ferret rase is usually priced at between 250 thousand to 350 thousand rupiah.

Weasel Rase Jitot Let A Few Months Become A Ferocious Weasel
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This Is How Weasel Rase Weasel And Weasel Prey Ducks

This Is How Weasel Rase Weasel And Weasel Prey Ducks

Once upon a time all animals were friends. No exception duck and weasel. ducks and weasels are close friends. Until one day there was a dispute because of the duck error. By the fault of the duck apparently the weasel did not accept, and then until now the duck and the weasel are hostile to each other. What is it that causes ferrets to angry ducks? Here is the full story in a fairy tale about ducks and weasels. Listened yes!

Fairytale About ducks and Weasels
In ancient times told in the middle of the jungle there was a friendship between ducks and weasels. In every activity they always do it together. Ducklings and weasel children also always play together. Until one day, ducks and weasels had the same thought that is wanting to make fields for planting corn. The aim is to increase the food stock for them.

After the agreement, it was time for the duck and the weasel to start and process the forest into a field ready for planting corn seeds. With fiery zeal they worked together to make holes and plant corn seeds. After finishing, every day they always work together to water and care for him. Do not wait long, finally shoots of corn buds began to appear. So happy the duck and the weasel.

Day after day, week after week, month after month the corn trees began to grow large and fertile. The corn trees start to flower out, a sign will start to come out of the corn fruit. In short, the weasel wanted to go see his brother who was stricken by disaster. Because his brother had been sick for a long time, he wanted to visit his brother. Then he told the duck.
Weasel: Yam, duck! I want to go to my brother's place. Maybe I went a little longer, because the location of my brother's house is quite far from here. I ask that you please keep this corn, and if indeed you want to harvest, please leave my share.
duck: Good Weasel. I promise, while you are gone I will keep guarding and caring for this cornfield. And I will keep guarding and giving you your share. Because half the corn in this field is yours.

Because ducks are the best friend of the weasel, the weasel believes strongly in ducks. Weasel goes to his brother's place with a calm heart. Day by day, finally the corns in the fields are ready to be harvested. The duck awaits the arrival of the weasel, but the nose also does not appear. Then in the mind of a duck it might be possible that a weasel is dead because he doesn't come back. Then the duck invites his friends to pick and eat the corn in the field until they run out. After everything was full and tired, suddenly the weasel returned to bring his brother who had recovered to be invited to harvest corn.

Dongen About ducks and Weasels. After arriving in the field, it was a surprise that the weasel because the corn had been eaten by the duck and his friends. Then the weasel got angry and gave the ducks one week to return the corn rations they were supposed to make. With fear the duck agreed.

After a week had passed, the weasel finally hurried to the duck place to collect an appointment. But after arriving in the duck village, it would have been the shock and anger of the weasel, because the duck and his friends had left the village. The weasel was very angry!
Weasel: Damn! God damn it! the ducks had dared to lie and betray me. Me and my friends the weasels swear, from this moment we assume the duck is our enemy. Until whenever we will eat ducks and their offspring.

Well, now we know not why ducks and weasels are hostile. Since then ducks and ferrets have become mortal enemies. ducks will avoid if they meet weasels. If you can, surely the duck will run away to avoid it. Because if not, if the weasel catches it, the duck will be eaten by the weasel.

Once upon a time all animals were friends. No exception duck and weasel. ducks and weasels are close friends. Until one day there was a dispute because of the duck error. By the fault of the duck apparently the weasel did not accept, and then until now the duck and the weasel are hostile to each other. What is it that causes ferrets to angry ducks? Here is the full story in a fairy tale about ducks and weasels. Listened yes!

Fairytale About ducks and Weasels
In ancient times told in the middle of the jungle there was a friendship between ducks and weasels. In every activity they always do it together. Ducklings and weasel children also always play together. Until one day, ducks and weasels had the same thought that is wanting to make fields for planting corn. The aim is to increase the food stock for them.

After the agreement, it was time for the duck and the weasel to start and process the forest into a field ready for planting corn seeds. With fiery zeal they worked together to make holes and plant corn seeds. After finishing, every day they always work together to water and care for him. Do not wait long, finally shoots of corn buds began to appear. So happy the duck and the weasel.

Day after day, week after week, month after month the corn trees began to grow large and fertile. The corn trees start to flower out, a sign will start to come out of the corn fruit. In short, the weasel wanted to go see his brother who was stricken by disaster. Because his brother had been sick for a long time, he wanted to visit his brother. Then he told the duck.
Weasel: Yam, duck! I want to go to my brother's place. Maybe I went a little longer, because the location of my brother's house is quite far from here. I ask that you please keep this corn, and if indeed you want to harvest, please leave my share.
duck: Good Weasel. I promise, while you are gone I will keep guarding and caring for this cornfield. And I will keep guarding and giving you your share. Because half the corn in this field is yours.

Because ducks are the best friend of the weasel, the weasel believes strongly in ducks. Weasel goes to his brother's place with a calm heart. Day by day, finally the corns in the fields are ready to be harvested. The duck awaits the arrival of the weasel, but the nose also does not appear. Then in the mind of a duck it might be possible that a weasel is dead because he doesn't come back. Then the duck invites his friends to pick and eat the corn in the field until they run out. After everything was full and tired, suddenly the weasel returned to bring his brother who had recovered to be invited to harvest corn.

Dongen About ducks and Weasels. After arriving in the field, it was a surprise that the weasel because the corn had been eaten by the duck and his friends. Then the weasel got angry and gave the ducks one week to return the corn rations they were supposed to make. With fear the duck agreed.

After a week had passed, the weasel finally hurried to the duck place to collect an appointment. But after arriving in the duck village, it would have been the shock and anger of the weasel, because the duck and his friends had left the village. The weasel was very angry!
Weasel: Damn! God damn it! the ducks had dared to lie and betray me. Me and my friends the weasels swear, from this moment we assume the duck is our enemy. Until whenever we will eat ducks and their offspring.

Well, now we know not why ducks and weasels are hostile. Since then ducks and ferrets have become mortal enemies. ducks will avoid if they meet weasels. If you can, surely the duck will run away to avoid it. Because if not, if the weasel catches it, the duck will be eaten by the weasel.

This Is How Weasel Rase Weasel And Weasel Prey Ducks
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Stories of Beautiful Veterinarians

Stories of Beautiful Veterinarians

Waree Limrungsukho works daily as a veterinarian. Later he was viral on social media when he was recorded helping the birth of a mother who suddenly gave birth on the roadside of the city of Bangkok, Thailand.

The story begins when a woman whose identity is unknown suddenly gives birth prematurely without being able to reach the nearest health facility. Waree who happened to be not far from the location then came to the crowd trying to find out what was happening.

Realizing that this was an emergency with Spry Waree then tried to help with limited experience and no equipment.

"At that time my focus was only on the baby. I was thinking about ways to keep the baby alive. I have never handled a human baby before," Waree told the BBC and was quoted on Wednesday (5/29/2019).

With extra care Waree tried to swing the baby so that amniotic fluid could come out of his lungs. The same way he used to do when helping the birth of animals and according to him in theory can be applied to humans.

"Only for human babies doctors will usually hold the baby from the ankle in the prone position and then gently pat the lungs through the back until the amniotic fluid comes out," Waree said.

Until finally the baby shows signs of life and starts crying. Thanks to the baby's quick action, Waree, who initially looked pale, finally took his first breath.

Waree claimed the incident was one of his unforgettable experiences as a veterinarian. He did not think that he would become a virus touted as a hero.

"If I don't study to be a veterinarian, I will never know that a veterinarian will have a lot of adventure," Waree said.

Waree Limrungsukho works daily as a veterinarian. Later he was viral on social media when he was recorded helping the birth of a mother who suddenly gave birth on the roadside of the city of Bangkok, Thailand.

The story begins when a woman whose identity is unknown suddenly gives birth prematurely without being able to reach the nearest health facility. Waree who happened to be not far from the location then came to the crowd trying to find out what was happening.

Realizing that this was an emergency with Spry Waree then tried to help with limited experience and no equipment.

"At that time my focus was only on the baby. I was thinking about ways to keep the baby alive. I have never handled a human baby before," Waree told the BBC and was quoted on Wednesday (5/29/2019).

With extra care Waree tried to swing the baby so that amniotic fluid could come out of his lungs. The same way he used to do when helping the birth of animals and according to him in theory can be applied to humans.

"Only for human babies doctors will usually hold the baby from the ankle in the prone position and then gently pat the lungs through the back until the amniotic fluid comes out," Waree said.

Until finally the baby shows signs of life and starts crying. Thanks to the baby's quick action, Waree, who initially looked pale, finally took his first breath.

Waree claimed the incident was one of his unforgettable experiences as a veterinarian. He did not think that he would become a virus touted as a hero.

"If I don't study to be a veterinarian, I will never know that a veterinarian will have a lot of adventure," Waree said.

Stories of Beautiful Veterinarians
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