Funny Action Garangan When Spoiled On His Master Make Citizens Anxious

Funny Action Garangan When Spoiled On His Master Make Citizens Anxious
Garangan became one of the favorite pets besides dogs. This mammal is preferred because it has a funny appearance. In addition, his behavior is also adorable and often annoying.

In contrast to dogs who seem more submissive to their employers, Garangan sometimes considers himself a master employer. However, on the other hand the relationship between Garangan with his employer can also be romantic if you know how.

If you are among those who like to maintain a garage, of course you want to build a strong relationship with your pet. Not only by feeding, but also you must have a special way so that your pet's Garangan feels special.

Possessive garangan

You can start by giving sympathy and sincere affection to your pet. In addition, you need to build relationships like a friend, and don't forget to invite them to play.

Recently circulated a video on Instagram, which shows a Garangan being spoiled with his employer. The video is in the spotlight of citizens because of his super funny Garangan behavior.

This video first appeared when an Instagram account @mujisama uploaded a video showing a man playing a game, but was interrupted by his maintenance garage.

In the video, it appears that Garangan was not willing when his employer was playing the game. He was seen continuing to hold the employer's hand. In fact, the man seemed to shake his hands so that the white and yellow Garangan released his wrist. However, the Garangan actually holds it even stronger.

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